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"When These Walls Come Tumbling Down" is the sixth episode of the first season, and sixth episode overall, of Arcane.


An eager protégé undermines his mentor on the council as a magical tech rapidly evolves. With authorities in pursuit, Jinx must face her past.


In the past, a young Viktor sits by the beach, winding up a mechanical toy boat. Soon, a young Sky spots him from a cliff, and the two lock eyes until Sky's called over elsewhere by a friend. Viktor then places the toy boat into the water and lets it sail off, but is forced to chase it into a cavern, where he trips and falls, trying to catch up to it.

Deep inside the cavern, Viktor finds his boat in the hands of a man and his large mutant pet, Rio. The man is interested in Viktor's toy and allows Viktor to feed Rio, but then tells him that she's dying. The man hopes that he can help her survive, and Viktor offers to help, which the man accepts.

In the present, Viktor sits by the very waters where he once played around and is approached by Heimerdinger, who, after passing a touching comment, gives his sympathies about his condition. Self-critical of himself, Viktor disparages his accomplishments compared to Heimerdinger's, who greatly overshadows his own.

Mel paints something on her canvas, and soon Jayce arrives to apologize for his sudden disappearance the night before. Coldly, Mel states that duty called for him. Taking a seat, Jayce informs Mel that Viktor is dying because of the gases where he grew up, and Mel stops painting to take a seat beside him. As Jayce laments about the situation with Viktor, Mel asks why he came to her; Jayce lays his head on her lap and claims that nothing seems impossible whenever he's with her. To her confession, Mel admits that she's an exile from her family because she doesn't live up to their standards, and Jayce finds that hard to believe. Mel then suggests that Jayce go to Viktor, who needs him most, and Jayce compliments Mel's painting.

Viktor sat close to the hex core where he last time had a medical emergency and lethargically tried to touch it and, upon doing so, became overwhelmed with some sensation.

At The Last Drop, Jinx startles the barkeep, Thieram, but calls him Chuck. She asks him what is going on, and he pours her a drink, saying there's a hunt for two girls, which she wasn't invited to do. However, Thieram claims the ladies did a number on Sevika, and that's it. Jinx was curious about the number, but Thieram claimed it was just an expression. Relatedly, Jinx hugs Thieram and leaves, revealing that she placed a toy explosive on his back that, when detonated, left a paint splatter on his back.

Caitlyn carries a wounded Vi to a cliffside area where a giant dilapidated water tower was. Vi willingly falls down the cliffside, crashing into the metal bars on her way down, and Caitlyn follows her. From afar, the Firelight Leader watches this as a group of thugs chase after them.

Sevika enters Silco's office and reports to what she assumes is Silco that they lost "her," but Jinx reveals herself and asks who lost her. Alarmed, Sevika tries to attack Jinx, but she hits a tripwire that activates a gas trap, knocking her out. She's tied to a chair and then slapped awake by Jinx, who takes her blade and runs it across her clothes. Unfazed, Sevika tells Jinx that Vi is looking for her and escapes with an Enforcer, which perturbs Jinx, calling her a liar. However, Sevika insists on her claim and also that Jinx's meltdown will finally convince Silco that she's a detriment to their cause. Seemingly wanting to cry, Jinx instead sneezes on Sevika, gives her a ten out of ten rating, and claims she has the perfect way to convey her message.

Marcus scorns his reflection until he hears his daughter Ren giggling in her room. Upon checking up on her, Marcus finds her playing with a house of cards, but when he opens the door to her room further, he finds Silco sitting beside her. Silco claims that Ren let him and his friends in, which is revealed after Marcus opens the door to the room completely. Marcus wants to talk outside; however, Silco insists they talk there as they are playing and talks about Vi, who was Vander's adopted daughter, who has returned. Shocked by the revelation, Marcus claims Vi was locked away in a safe place, but Silco states that she's in the Lanes with a lady roughly her age. Immediately, Marcus realizes it's Caitlyn, whose family always acts on their own accord and promises to settle the situation. Silco states that his goons are tracking her and will handle her. Before leaving, Silco drops a wooden card onto the house of cards he built with Ren and apologizes, stating that accidents happen.

Inside their lab, a malaised Viktor showcases his discovery of how the hexcore can accelerate a plant's growth speed. Although the results were positive, the outcome was temporary as the plant shrivels and dies moments after exposure to the hex energy. Viktor claims that it happens to all plants because it can't handle the transmutation. Wanting to stay positive, Jayce claims they'll make it work, but Viktor knows he's on limited time, but Jayce offers to have Sky get help from Heimerdinger.

Caitlyn assists Vi as she scares away the Shimmer addicts down there and guides her to a safe place to rest. The place makes Vi have flashbacks of Powder and rejects any of Caitlyn's help because of her disdain for topsiders. Still, Caitlyn sees the good in Vi, and Vander's voice can be heard, stating that Vi has a good heart.

Inside Jayce and Viktor's lab, Heimerdinger was fascinated by the hex core, which Viktor explained to him. Despite how overjoyed Jayce and Viktor's explanation was, Heimerdinger pleads with them to destroy it after seeing that Viktor has changed. Heimerdinger insists on destroying it, but Jayce stands in his way. Heimerdinger argues that it violates the ethos, but Jayce claims it's up to the council to decide. With that, Heimerdinger takes his leave, and Viktor claims he knows someone else who could help. Jayce tells Viktor he needs to get ready for something.

Exiting the building they were in, Caitlyn was met by Huck, who offered to help find someone to help Vi with his condition and had Caitlyn follow him. Huck takes Caitlyn to an apothecary, and as the apothecary concocts a potion for the ailment, Huck describes why he's a Shimmering addict. Amid this, the apothecary returns and demands a trade for the potion. Hence, Caitlyn trades her unloaded rifle for it. Now, with the potion, Caitlyn offers Huck to accompany her to see Vi, but he refuses as he doesn't want her to see him now that he's an addict and wants her to tell her he's sorry about everything. Caitlyn hugs Huck and takes her leave.

In the council chamber hall, Marcus places one of Jinx's devices beside Jayce, who is drafting something, and reports that it was found on one of the Firelights. Marcus claims that its substances match the ones found at his old lab and the hexgates, and he also believes that more attacks are likely. Upset that this situation has gone on for too long, he wants an increase in security to prevent further attacks, but Marcus notes the difficulty of that. Still, Jayce insists on whatever means necessary to protect the city. Before leaving, Marcus mentioned that it was under Jayce's order that Caitlyn be released from prison, and Jayce claimed that everything was under the order.

Heimerdinger starts the council meeting by stating how the city has lost its way due to its toxic and flawed morals. He proposes they be whole again and not divided while holding each other accountable. However, Jayce argues who will hold Heimerdinger accountable, citing the Shimmer running rampant in the city and attacks on the hexgates and academy square. Jayce finishes his statement by noting that the Enforcers are terrified of entering the Undercity. Although Heimerdinger tries to calm him down, Jayce continues claiming this is no time for a speech, but action. He then proposes that Heimerdinger, the revered founder of the city, retire. A vote is then held, and it is unanimously ruled that Heimerdinger is to be retired.

Vi is force-fed that potion that Caitlyn got for her, and once she recovers, Caitlyn suggests they move and call her Jinx because that's what Sevika called her. Looking around the place, Caitlyn realizes it once belonged to her family and sees the name "Powder" scratched on the wall. Vi notes that it's her sister's name, and when asked about her family, Vi tells her that enforcers killed them.

Exiting the place, Vi finds Silco and his two goons outside, who handed Shimmer to some residents, one of whom is Huck, who runs away after Vi spots him. Silco and Vi talk, and Vi vows to get Jinx back as three powered-up Shimmer addicts approach her and retaliate against them; Vi knocks down the water tower that is stationed above the building.

Jinx sets off Vi's flare from a high position to ignite whenever she wants her to come. As Vi and Caitlyn escape, Silco has a meltdown over what has occurred, and the enforcers barricade the bridges under Jayce's orders.

A flashback shows Viktor severing ties with the man who he once respected after seeing that he attached tubes to Rio's body to preserve her. In the present, Viktor returns to the man revealed to be Singed, claiming he understands now.

Silco returns to his office, cursing Vi for the trouble she has caused. He sees a "message" left by Jinx, in which Sevika is tied to the ceiling of his office room.

A somber Jinx stands alone, seemingly hopeless by the futility of her endeavor, until Vi arrives, embraces her, and apologizes for all the trouble she's caused her. Seeing Caitlyn alarms Jinx, who arms herself with her minigun, and although Vi tries to mediate the situation, Jinx claims that Sevika wasn't lying and was with an Enforcer. She accuses Vi of wanting the crystal she stole while having traumatic flashbacks of Claggor and Mylo. Their reunion is interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Firelights, and amid their ambush, they take an unconscious Vi hostage and disappear.



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