Arcane Wiki

This page contains spoilers for Season 2 of Arcane

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Knowledge is a paradox. The more one understands, the more one realizes the vastness of his ignorance.

—The Mysterious Mage.

The Mage is introduced in Episode 2 as a side character wandering on his own, who saves Jayce and his mother from dying in a harsh blizzard in a snowy region. He gives Jayce a magic crystal which is seen to be the one worn in his bracelet. His identity is later revealed to be Viktor in the series finale.


Early life[]

Refer to Viktor.

Season 1[]

The Mysterious Mage is seen in Episode 2 where he rescues a young Jayce and his mother. He gives Jayce a crystal which Jayce carries with him into adulthood, it being a representation of his dream to create Hextech.

Jayce is seen to have held this original meeting with the Mysterious Mage as a significant factor in his motive to utilise the Arcane via scientific means and to feel strongly about the experience to the extent of defying Heimerdinger when requested to abandon the research for fears of corruption.

Season II[]

It is revealed in the series finale that the identity of the Mysterious Mage is that of Viktor, having gone through parallel universes to give Jayce the crystal. It is shown in these universes that the appearance of the crystal changes in each iteration, implying a possible differing outcome to each. The timeline followed by the series is implied to be the timeline where Jayce succeeds in preventing Viktor's observed outcome of the Glorious Evolution and its disastrous consequences, thus fulfilling a promise he made to him in the alternate future timeline seen in Episode 7.



Contrary to how Viktor is seen in Act III, the Mysterious Mage is seen to be saddened by the outcome of his intertwinement with the Hexcore and the Arcane. He appears relieved to see Jayce and has a desire to prevent the outcome of the Glorious Evolution that his main universe self was devoted to.


The Mysterious Mage appears as an older, bearded Viktor. He wears a hooded robe and carries a staff. His hair appears longer, and his eyes shift in color, same as his Main Universe counterpart, indicating a connection remains between him and the Arcane. In addition, the metallic-like effect on the sides of his face remains, although, he distinctly lacks the changes in his body seen at the beginning of season 2 caused by being encased by the Hexcore.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Control of the Arcane: Viktor can utilize the arcane, seen when he teleports a young Jayce and his mother to another location, and when he sends Jayce back to The Main Universe.


  • The butterfly often seen in relation to Viktor is shown in Episode 2, ultimately foreshadowing the reveal.
  • Viktor appears to have repeated the act of giving Jayce the crystal in seemingly all of the other timelines, as implied in the series finale's dialogue.


ve Characters
Main Characters
Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
Other characters
AmaraBabetteBenzoCassandra KirammanChrossClaggorDeckardEloraFinnForeign PrincessGertGraysonGustove JowlerHuckIrius BolbokIshaJannaJulesKino MedardaLeBlancLestLorisMadam MargotMaddie NolenMarcusMyloOrianna ReveckRenRenniRenni's SonRictusRioSaloScarShoolaSky YoungSmeechStebThieramTobias KirammanTorman HoskelVernXimena Talis
Alternate Universe characters