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Vander is the alternate version of Vander.


Early life[]

It can be assumed that Vander’s early life is the same as in the main reality up until Vi’s death. After that, a new timeline is created where he is able to forgive Silco, Zaun becomes an independent nation, and the events of the third episode never happened, thus he never lost the rest of his adoptive family or became Warwick.



Vander is seen as a warm and caring man, who enjoys being able to help others with his wisdom.


Vander appears much the same as his main universe counterpart, albeit older with more gray hair.

Powers and Abilities[]



ve Characters
Main Characters
Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
Other characters
AmaraBabetteBenzoCassandra KirammanChrossClaggorDeckardEloraFinnForeign PrincessGertGraysonGustove JowlerHuckIrius BolbokIshaJannaJulesKino MedardaLeBlancLestLorisMadam MargotMaddie NolenMarcusMyloOrianna ReveckRenRenniRenni's SonRictusRioSaloScarShoolaSky YoungSmeechStebThieramTobias KirammanTorman HoskelVernXimena Talis
Alternate Universe characters