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"The Monster You Created" is the ninth and final episode of the first season and ninth episode overall of Arcane.


Perilously close to war, the leaders of Piltover and Zaun reach an ultimatum. But a fateful standoff changes both cities forever.


Jayce tearfully covers the eyes to a little boy as a Vi approaches Jayce to console him about the death of the child. Although Vi wants to continue, Jayce is finished, claiming that a parent will soon learn their child won't return home. The falling out between Jayce and Vi wakes Jayce to demand that Vi take off her gauntlets, but she refuses. An altercation between them nearly occurs, but Jayce walks away. Vi then approaches the Shimmer manufacturing machine and destroys it.

Afterward, Sevika and Silco assess the damage done to the area where Jayce and Vi launched their attack. Sevika comments that the upper city has become bold in recent times. Chem-Baro Renni, who embraces her son's corpse, chastises Silco for making her lose her son, and Silco brushes it off and requests Sevika's help with the body.

Viktor reviews over his notes as Sky's monologue plays in the background. He had intended to destroy the hexcore with a chair but stopped and turned around, only for it to zap him in his Shimmered leg.

Ambessa receives a leg massage and comments about how the wine in Noxus fails to compare with that in Piltover. At that moment, Mel arrives, spills over the cup of wine that Ambessa offered her, and demands that her handsome servant leave. Once the servant does, Mel demands that Ambessa leave Jayce alone and leave altogether. Ambessa asks the bodyguard stationed there to leave and then informs Mel that the person who killed Kino wasn't satisfied with his death alone. Furthermore, his resources exceed their own, and she hopes to acquire the hextech to protect their family, even if it means setting the world ablaze. Despite her mother's goal, Mel rejects them and demands to know why she was exiled in the first place, and Ambessa claims it's because she weakened her. Ambessa then claims that let the two cities fight their war; they'll then take the hextech, and Mel can return home to her side.

Viktor releases Sky's ashes into the waters of Zaun and soon joins Jayce. The two have a heart-to-heart about old times, but Viktor then asks Jayce to destroy the hex core. Jayce is taken aback by the request, citing Viktor's condition, but he insists and agrees to do it.

Meanwhile, Finn and Renni visit Silco in his office to complain about how, although he's managed to eliminate Vander in the past, his skill has started to slip in the present. Silco notes that Finn has no idea about how things were in the past and now lives off the beneficial achievements of his accomplishments. Finn then proclaims that today is the day that Silco dies. Sevika unveils a hidden sword, and instead of killing Silco, she kills Finn. The altercation leaves Silco unnerved and Renni in complete shock as Silco notes that she would have had her son killed for this had he not already been dead and demands she leave. Once Renni was gone, Silco asked Sevika if the opportunity was tempting, but Sevika said not for the likes of Finn but warned he wouldn't be the last. Silco then looks at a piece of paper on his desk and focuses on its emblem.

By dusk, Silco meets with Jayce, who stands by various cannons stationed on a bridge. There, Silco hands Jayce a list of demands to ensure Zaun's independence. The demands upset Jayce, but Silco notes that his retaliation act was noteworthy, but he overplayed his hand. Silco asks if Jayce is afraid, and Jayce admits that he is, but he also states that Zaun wouldn't last if Piltover invaded. Hence, Silco reasons if Jayce wants peace, he has the price. However, Jayce agrees to do it with a few conditions; one of them is to hand over Jinx, but Silco is hesitant to do that. Jayce claims that if he wants his nation, Silco, better hand over Jinx.

Heimerdinger arrives at the Firelights hideout, where he's intrigued by the hoverboard technology and is given a grand welcome by its people.

Silco bemoans his negotiations to the Vander statute as Jinx stands close by in a Shimmered state.

At The Last Drop, Sevika deals a deck of cards to a few players until Vi arrives and drops a gas canister on the ground. Sevika orders everyone in the place to leave, and once they do, Sevika and Vi fight each other. Amid their fight, Sevika gets the upper hand on Vi, who recalls her training with Vander. Dropping one of the broken gauntlets, Vi continues her fight against Sevika and wins but screams in anguish for what she has done.

Jayce holds a meeting with the Piltover Council focusing on his recent unsanctioned, underground activities. He denounces that the council is capable of helping them. He also no longer cares about what the council thinks of him and allows Viktor to announce that Zaun hopes to broker peace between the city's two parts in favor of Zuan's independence. The council members then burst into an outrage over the proposal.

Vi awakens strapped to a chair at an undisclosed location, and Jinx, out of sight, talks to Vi about various things. Jinx claims that Silco didn't create Jinx; Vi did. Remorsefully, Vi apologizes for abandoning her, calling Jinx by her old name, Powder. However, Jinx claims that Vi never left her, which is why she's alive. Sympathetic to Jinx's sorrow, Vi claims that in all of the time she spent suffering in prison, she only thought of Jinx.

In the covert darkness, Jinx asks Vi if they're still sisters, and Vi confirms that. Jinx then lights a fire and uses it to light the candles on a table, revealing Silco seated, restrained, and gagged at the end of it. Dolls and objects belonging to people of the past are placed by the seats of the other chairs while Jinx then reveals a cupcake with the gemstone as its topping. She then wheels in Caitlyn, who was also bound and gagged to a chair.

Jinx then gives Vi two choices for where she can sit: in either the Powder or Jinx chair. As an added condition, if Vi wants her to be Powder, she'll have to shoot Caitlyn to death, or else she'll stay as Jinx. Under pressure, Vi refuses to kill Caitlyn and promises to take Jinx away for good so they'll never have to see Silco again. However, when ungagged, Silco claims that Jinx will betray her after a day, realizing that she's not the same person she once was. As Silco tries to coax Jinx, she shoots the Mylo doll, claiming it was speaking out of turn and shattering a glass on the table in the process. The shattered glass is used to free Caitlyn from her restraints and get into a stand-off with Jinx using Jinx's mini-gun as her weapon.

After Jinx places her gun on the table, Jinx outmaneuvers Caitlyn and knocks her out while retrieving her mini-gun back. Although Jinx wants to kill Caitlyn, Vi tries to dissuade her, while Silco tries to persuade her to kill Caitlyn. Ultimately, Jinx kills Silco in the spur of the moment and immediately regrets it. Listening to Silco's final words, Jinx learns that he would have never traded in Jinx to achieve peace for Zaun.

Vi tries to console Jinx, but she sits in Jinx's chair and morosely comments that Vi could have loved her like she used to. She then loads the gemstone into her rocket and fires it off at the council as they vote for Zaun's independence.



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