Arcane Wiki

S ain't Smeech. That yordle's just a lieutenant. We wouldn't let 'em govern us like you do up here.

"NMA" talking about him, Enforcer interrogation records

Smeech is a supporting antagonist in Arcane. He was one of the chem-barons of the undercity. He is a Yordle with robotically enhanced limbs.


At one point, Smeech became part of the group of crime lords that control the undercity led by Silco.[1]

Smeech once had a problem with someone from the Lanes who could not repay his debt to him. Smeech sent him a signed note and a warning not to go to his compatriots and made a joke about the man's amputated leg. He then had his henchman break into the man's warehouse to go through the man's things and presumably steal what was believed by the investigators to be a stash of medical equipment. Because the target confronted his docile but strong lackey, the man was killed, with part of the encounter seen by a witness, and became the subject of a homicide investigation.

Because Silco had the Sheriff in his pocket and because of the witness' fear of repercussion from the chem-barons, the investigation became an unsolved, cold case. Another enforcer, Caitlyn Kiramman, found the records of this and kept it as part of an ongoing investigation on the underground's then unknown ruler and his mole in Piltover. Caitlyn momentarily believed that the ringleader "S" was Smeech before one of their interviewees made it clear that he wasn't, discriminating against Smeech for being a yordle.[2]

After the actions of Silco's adoptive daughter Jinx caused the closure of the borders to Piltover, the chem-barons' businesses were affected. They called a meeting to discuss their next action, during which Finn tried to convince them to stand their ground against Silco and his unwillingness to stop Jinx's antics. Before they could discuss further, Silco arrived and released a toxic gas in the air before giving them gas masks, reminding them of the insufferable past he'd saved them from.[1]

At the beginning of Act 2, Smeech and his goons decide to capture Jinx. However, Sevika and Isha ambushed him, and the former killed Smeech with her newfound mechanical arm.



Smeech was a very cunning character in the series. During a meet-up, he acted sneaky toward the other chem-barons. He is always trying to make deals with people to get what he wants, even going as far as to recommend handing over Jinx to Topside to continue his business; offering Sevika a new 'puncher' if she helped him.


Smeech's first appearance was in season one, where he wears a trenchcoat covering his mechanical arms. His major appearance was in season two, episode two.

He is a yordle chem-baron and his limbs are replaced by robotic ones. His robotic legs allow him to extend or lower his height, being able to match heights with Sevika and Jinx. His forearms are faintly longer than his arms, being equipped with spinning blades. His fingers have a needle in them for unknown reasons.

Smeech's machinery has green liquid that runs through it; it is not his blood, despite common misconception. He is seen bleeding red shortly before Sevika beats his face in.

Smeech's face looks rough, even before his confrontation with Sevika. His jaw seems to not align properly, leaving some of his teeth visible. His ears are torn, probably from previous fights. He has blonde hair with pink tips. He wears a top hat. Smeech wears a black/navy blue buttoned vest.



• There is a theory that Smeech may not be dead, seeing that he is a Yordle, a species that doesn't truly die. He may be in Brandle City, according to LoL lore.

• The green liquid is not his blood, but instead the substance that fuels his machinery. He bleeds red.


Season One appearances: 1/9
"Welcome to the Playground":
"Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved":
"The Base Violence Necessary for Change":
"Happy Progress Day!":
"Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy":
"When These Walls Come Tumbling Down":
"The Boy Savior":
"Oil and Water":
Alluded to only
"The Monster You Created":
Season Two appearances: 1/9
"Heavy Is the Crown":
"Watch It All Burn":
"Finally Got the Name Right":
Mentioned only
"Paint The Town Blue":
"Blisters And Bedrock":
"The Message Hidden Within The Pattern":
"Pretend Like It's the First Time":
"Killing Is a Cycle":
"The Dirt Under Your Nails":


ve Characters
Main Characters
Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
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AmaraBabetteBenzoCassandra KirammanChrossClaggorDeckardEloraFinnForeign PrincessGertGraysonGustove JowlerHuckIrius BolbokIshaJannaJulesKino MedardaLeBlancLestLorisMadam MargotMaddie NolenMarcusMyloOrianna ReveckRenRenniRenni's SonRictusRioSaloScarShoolaSky YoungSmeechStebThieramTobias KirammanTorman HoskelVernXimena Talis
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