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This article is about Silco, a version of Silco from another reality with different events, actions and behaviors of the characters. If you are interested in an article about the original character, please look here: Silco

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Silco is the alternate version of Silco.


Sometime before Ekko's arrival, Silco and Vander both mutually forgive each other for their past actions. It is unknown when this even occurred, but presumably after Vi's death. It's hinted at that this happened due to the letter left in the mines, and that this is the course of events that would have followed had Silco's main universe counterpart found it.

Later on, during the Innovator’s Competition, he accompanies Vander at the bar.



He seems to have returned to his younger personality, no longer aggressive or cunning. He is kind towards Ekko and Vander; seen when Ekko asks about his previous attempt to kill the other man, he simply responds with how strong forgiveness can be.


Silco looks the same as his main universe counterpart, but with the noticeable difference of a dull grey eye on his left side compared to the dark and orange one from the main universe. He wears a white and gold button-up covered by a red and white sweater vest with brown leather shoulder pads.


  • Silco's damaged eye is much farther healed in this universe, perhaps due to not being consistently injected with Shimmer.
  • Silco is still friends with Vander, showing the power of forgiveness.
  • His left eye also does not look infected/purple as it does in the main storyline, but instead is grey, with visible cataracts.


ve Characters
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Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
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