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Shoola is a member of the Piltover Council.


Early life[]

Nothing is known about Shoola’s early life, but it is assumed that she was appointed a Councilor before Season 1.

Season 1[]

Shoola oversees Jayce Talis' trial for possessing illegal equipment. Later, she, alongside her fellow Council members, listens to Grayson and Marcus's update on the thieves who stole from Jayce, which led to his trial.[1]

Shoola is later seen attending a party with her fellow Council members and socialites.[2]

The day after the Progress Day celebration, Jinx stole the Hextech gemstone, which was the subject of a Council Meeting. To Shoola's confession, they've lost touch with the Underground, but sympathize with their humanity. Once Jayce proposes that all Hextech operations be shut down, Shoola and Torman disapprove of this decision. However, Mel proposes that Jayce become a Councilor, and Shoola notes her concern about such a proposal. Heimerdinger seconds Mel's proposal, and Mel then proposes a vote be held.[3]

A meeting is held concerning Piltover’s fractured nature, and despite Heimerdinger's desire to reevaluate and change the Council's immoral ways, Jayce argues differently. He claims that Heimerdinger is a relic of the past. Despite being the founder of Piltover, Heimerdinger was unanimously voted out.[4]

Shoola attends a Council meeting about Marcus' betrayal, and Caitlyn and Vi arrive to pin the blame on Silco, who seeks to make Zaun independent.[5]

Shoola later attended another Council meeting with her fellow Councilors and Viktor, where it was announced that Zaun was seeking independence, causing an outcry of disapproval. However, just as she votes in favor of it, a rocket launched by Jinx hits the council room, nearly killing her.[6]

Season 2[]

Shoola is shown to have survived the attack by Jinx but suffers an injury to the right side of her face, making her later wear a gold-plated mask.[7]

During the debate on how they should approach the issue with Zaun, she sides with Salo in invading Zaun, but sides with Mel in opposition to the use of Hextech.[7]

Eventually, Shaloo attends the speech by Mel, informing the people of Piltover of the recently deceased council members, where Renni and her cohorts launch an ambush attack on the area. They're soon joined by Caitlyn, who has plans for her own.[7]

Shoola and other nobles of Piltover attend a meeting where Jayce warns them all of an impending invasion by Viktor.[8]

As the war between Noxus and Piltover escalates, Shoola stands watch beside Mel giving orders to the Enforcers.[9]

Sometime after the invasion, Shoola stands beside Sevika performing a sending-off ceremony and is later seen sitting close to Sevika, a new council member.[9]



Shoola acts calm and mindful. She also always speaks softly and gracefully.


Shoola is a dark-skinned woman who always wears golden earrings, makeup, long, pointed jewelry on each of her fingers, and a massive golden necklace that turns on itself with a mechanism.





Season One appearances: 6/9
"Welcome to the Playground":
"Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved":
"The Base Violence Necessary for Change":
"Happy Progress Day!":
"Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy":
"When These Walls Come Tumbling Down":
"The Boy Savior":
"Oil and Water":
"The Monster You Created":
Season Two appearances: 2/9
"Heavy Is the Crown":
"Watch It All Burn":
"Finally Got the Name Right":
"Paint The Town Blue":
"Blisters And Bedrock":
"The Message Hidden Within The Pattern":
"Pretend Like It's the First Time":
"Killing Is a Cycle":
"The Dirt Under Your Nails":


ve Characters
Main Characters
Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
Other characters
AmaraBabetteBenzoCassandra KirammanChrossClaggorDeckardEloraFinnForeign PrincessGertGraysonGustove JowlerHuckIrius BolbokIshaJannaJulesKino MedardaLeBlancLestLorisMadam MargotMaddie NolenMarcusMyloOrianna ReveckRenRenniRenni's SonRictusRioSaloScarShoolaSky YoungSmeechStebThieramTobias KirammanTorman HoskelVernXimena Talis
Alternate Universe characters