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Mel Medarda is the heiress of House Medarda, a former councilor of Piltover, and a mage. She was a patroness of Hextech.
Early life[]
Born in Noxus, Mel was the product of an affair the warlord Ambessa Medarda had with a mage, though it is currently unknown if Ambessa’s husband was aware of Mel's origins.
Ambessa raised Mel to use aggression and violence in her political life, but Mel had looked up to her half-brother Kino's way of peace and negotiation in politics. Mel was given the chance to choose how her mother would deal with a foreign princess allied with the Black Rose. Mel had suggested to swiftly banish the princess and take all of her material possessions, but Ambessa was unhappy with this choice and instead had the foreign princess killed by beheading.
Later, Mel was banished by Ambessa to Piltover as she believed her daughter weakened her emotionally. With the help of her assistant Elora, Mel would go on to become the richest person in Piltover and would subsequently join the Council.
Season 1[]
In Mel's chambers, Elora tells Mel that she is now the richest person in Piltover. Mel sighs in response, saying she is still the poorest Medarda. She notes her desire for something fresh and innovative. Elora soon tells her of the upcoming trial of Jayce Talis and his background.[1]
Afterward, Mel gives a presentation to fellow Piltover Council member Torman Hoskel, who praises it. Sometime after Jayce’s trial, she listens to a report from Grayson and Marcus about the culprits still at large who stole from Jayce's workshop.[1]
One night, Mel catches Jayce and Viktor attempting to break into Heimerdinger's lab. The two trespassers try to reason with Mel in their endeavor. Perhaps on a whim, Mel gives them one day to prove they're right and, in the process, averts the attention of the local patroler Harold.[2]
Eventually, Heimerdinger, accompanied by two guards, confronts Viktor and Jayce, who successfully complete their experiment. Although Heimerdinger reprimands the two for their actions, Mel defends them, saying that it's the era of magic. Jayce corrects her, stating it's the era of Hextech.[2]
Mel attends a party fundraiser with her fellow Council members and socialites, where she is soon joined by Elora. They chat for a bit, and Mel confesses that Jayce is the only person at the gala who catches her interest. Soon enough, Jayce arrives and approaches Mel, asking her to speak privately with him.[3]
The two head into Mel's office, where Jayce claims that Heimerdinger wants more time to develop his newest project. Mel argues that it's "Progress Day," a day when people from around the world gather to see what new developments the City of Progress has to offer. She continues stating that if there's a time to showcase a new project, it is now. Jayce sighs in response, while Mel explains that Heimerdinger is too focused on the past and that the city needs someone who looks forward to the future. In Mel's opinion, that someone was Jayce, who questioned that, but Mel claims that Hextech has changed everything, and the world is ready to release it. She also mentions that she's spoken to several investors. Mel ends it by stating that it'll be his speech and that Jayce should give the people a glimpse into the future.[3]
However, Mel was notably displeased when Jayce refused to show off his new invention during his speech and left with Elora after he was done.[3]
The day after the Progress Day celebration, Jinx stole the Hextech Crystal ball, which was the subject of a Council Meeting. For the most part, Mel tacitly observes the meeting as her Council opines their thoughts and concerns until Jayce proposes a complete shutdown of all Hextech studies until the matter is resolved. Mel proposes a compromise as Torman and Shoola disagree with Jayce's proposal; she suggests that Jayce become a councilor and his House be elevated. Shoola states her opinion on how unorthodox Mel's proposal is. Still, Heimerdinger seconds the notion, and Mel suggests a vote to be held.[3]
During a musical performance at a theater, Mel warns Jayce that his house is in trouble due to his desire to purge the corruption in the city. It has put a target on his back, one that she warns even those with whom he shares a seat on the council have their disdain for his actions. Despite Jayce's distaste for political games by Mel, she coaxes him to continue as it'd benefit him and his interests.[4]
They're then joined by the merchant Amara, who details that Enforcers visited her that morning and searched her place. Mel apologizes for that and notes that Jayce had to be safe while hoping to renegotiate old deals with whoever shared his vision. Amara claims that Bolbok had a counteroffer, but Mel refutes it, claiming he's stuck in the past while they are onward to the future. Jayce chimes in and speaks in favor of the deal, which Amara accepts, and Mel smiles as they shake on it.[4]
Afterward, Mel congratulates Jayce for the successful deals he made with his fellow council members, and the two are physically intimate. Afterwards, Jayce learns that Viktor had a medical emergency.[4]
Mel works away at a painting when she's soon joined by Jayce, who apologizes for abruptly leaving her the night before and confesses that his work partner Viktor was dying. As Jayce explains the situation surrounding Viktor, she asks him why she was telling her all of that, and he claims it's because he feels confident whenever he's around her. This prompts Mel to suggest that he return to Viktor.[5]
Eventually, a meeting is held concerning Piltover's fractured nature, and despite Heimerdinger's desire to reevaluate and change the Council's immoral ways, Jayce argues differently. He claims that Heimerdinger is a relic of the past. Despite being the founder of Piltover, Heimerdinger was unanimously voted out, with Mel casting the first vote with an apology on her behalf.[5]
A young Mel stands before a ruined throne in a dilapidated room. Her mother Ambessa enters the room tells her about a lesson her grandfather imposed on her and the importance of learning about death.[6]At that moment, two soldiers enter the room with a captured princess, Ambessa asks Mel what they should do with her, and Mel suggests exile. However, Ambessa notes that she must die as it'd cause trouble down the line if she caused an uprising and were executed on the spot.[6] The entire scenario was a dream, which Mel painted a mural of behind her bed featuring the blood-stained remains of the prisoner. Looking beside her, Mel sees Jayce sleeping beside her.[6]
Afterward, Mel and Jayce investigate the Bridge to Progress, where the bodies of the deceased Enforcers were there, including Marcus. Seeing it all causes Jayce to vomit off the bridge side, and Mel stands in shock.[6]
Eventually, Mel greets her mother as she exits her ship. The two share an exchange where Mel is notably displeased with her mother's presence, but Ambessa is coy to play innocent. As they walk forward, Ambessa reveals that Kino has passed away after crossing the "wrong man," and Ambessa blames herself for his loss.[6]
Ambessa segues the conversation to Jayce and his hextech weaponry, which Mel scorns and tries to walk away from. However, Ambessa argues that war is on the horizon. Mel refutes that Piltover is like Nexus and claims that war isn't their first and only resource. Although Ambessa disagrees, she then leaves when a handsome escort arrives to transport her out of there.[6]
During a council meeting about the bombing on the bridge, Mel sits and watches as the council members contemplate what could have triggered it and Marcus' betrayal. They're soon joined by Caitlyn and Vi, who explains the reason for Marcus' betrayal. They blame Silco for the recent events, and despite Jayce wanting to invade Zaun, she proposes they act diplomatically, which Vi finds outrageous and leaves.[6]
Mel confronts her mother over manipulating Jayce into invading Zaun and wants her to leave Piltover. Ambessa claims it was to accelerate the hextech research process and to protect them from the man who killed Kino, who far exceeds them in power. This leads to Ambessa revealing that Mel was expelled from the family because she was a liability to Ambessa, but she promises that when they get the hextech, she can return home to her side.[7]
Mel attends a council meeting with her fellow council meetings and Viktor, where it's announced that Zaun seeks independence, causing an outcry of disapproval. However, Mel votes in favor of it, and a rocket strikes the area after the entire council has done so.[7]
Season 2[]
Huddled with Jayce, who asks if she's alright as smoke and cinders fill the area of the destroyed Council room, Mel is helped up by him. They're shocked to see the corpses of Iris and Torman's corpses lying on the ground under or on rubble.[8]
As Jayce finds the dead body of Cassandra, Mel is approached by her mother, Ambessa, who asks if she's alright. Mel confirms she is, and her mother then orders her soldiers to assist the Enforcers in the area to help.[8]
Eventually, Mel consoles Caitlyn over the loss of her mother Cassandra, and they're soon joined by a wheelchair-bound Salo, who Ambessa was wheeling in. With new thoughts on Zaun, Salo suggests purging the place of its "demons", but Mel thanks Ambessa for wheeling Salo in.[8]
Mel then heads a debate on how to handle the situation with Zaun; as Salo argues under the influence of Ambessa to attack Zaun, Mel believes acting with impetus could immensely backfire. In her opinion, Mel believes that a sizable bounty should be placed on Jinx's head, but Shoola isn't keen on the idea. Salo then declares that Mel was outvoted two to one, but Mel regains the upper hand after agreeing to the invasion but rules against the use of Hextech.[8]
Afterward, Mel meets with a morose Jayce, who informs her of the comatose Viktor's condition inside the Hexcore. Trying to touch the Hexcore substance that Viktor was enveloped in, it nearly harms her, and Mel curiously asks what it's doing to him. Jayce answers that the Hexcore is evolving faster than what he can come up with. To his confession, Jayce laments that Viktor is in the state he's in and not himself. Mel consoles the agitated and remorseful Jayce and then details how the council meeting went, including how her mother's influential manipulation has hooked Salo on her goals. She assures Jayce that all will be well and suggests he meet with Caitlyn.[8]
By dusk, Mel gives a speech to the people of Piltover centered around the loss of the three recently deceased council members and the plans for retaliations for those responsible. However, her speech is interrupted by a hoodlum disguised as an Enforcer and Renni who is in the audience and tries to kill Jayce. As enemy reinforcements arrive, Mel is escorted to safety by the Enforcer Steb.[8]
Later, Mel attends a private meeting with her fellow council members, who discuss how Renni and her cohorts managed to attack the place. They're soon joined by Caitlyn, who announces an endeavor to launch a counterstrike against Zaun.[8]
Mel is mentioned a couple of times by her mother in different conversations. She also gets an update from her spy Lest, who informs her of Ambessa's plans and something to "take out", Salo.[9]
Afterward, Elora confirms to Mel that Lest's information is accurate and chastises herself for overlooking things. However, Mel asks Elora if she's looked into the other matter concerning her brother and those responsible for his death. She then hands Elora the vial given to her by Lest and asks her to have the apothecary look over it and check in on Amara.[9]
She is later seen in shock as colorful smog spreads across Piltover.[9]
Sometime later, Elora and Mel are captured by members of the Black Rose.[9]
Mel is mentioned in a conversation between Lest and Salo about her disappearance.[10]
Awakening at an undisclosed location, Mel recalls when the Black Rose group captured her and Elora. Passing out for a while, Mel awakens to the voice of her brother Kino, who reveals that they're sealed in an Oculorum. After speaking of an old family joke, Mel asks Kino to enter the light, revealing his identity to her. The two then lovingly embrace.[11]
As Mel continues chatting with Kino, she presses against one of the stones in the wall, causing it to shift, move, and extend one of the rocks on the wall. Kino then reveals that why they're there is because Ambessa had an affair once with someone that led to the birth of a bastard child, one of whom their captors fear.[11]
Resolute to solve the puzzle of the Oculorum, Kino advises against it as his voice starts to become distorted. Mel then grabs Kino's face and slams it against the wall as his appearance shifts from Kino to Elora to herself. With a smile, the fake Mel engulfs Mel with its thorns and entraps her in chained thorns, only for her to release herself by awakening a hidden power from within her.[11]
Awakening to her Mage powers, Mel, now covered in golden tattoos, finds herself in the same dilapidated throneroom where her mother once executed a prisoner. The Illusionary Sorceress appears before Mel, and as they talk, she takes on many forms and reveals that she killed her brother because of her mother's pride. Realizing that the Illusionary Sorceress wants to recruit her, Mel asks what her mother did to earn her scorn. The Illusionary Sorceress warns of an impending war caused by her mother, and she is the key to preventing it. She then offers Mel a necklace as a token of acceptance of her offer, and Mel accepts it.[12]
At the restored council room, Mel meets with Jayce; they argue for a bit until Viktor arrives, manipulating a mechanical construct. A temperamental Jayce tries to attack it, leading to a fight between them, and Mel and Jayce manage to defeat Viktor.[12]
The two later have a heart-to-heart about their shortcomings and realizations.[12]
Eventually, Mel visits her mother at her camp and confronts her about the Black Rose and her brother's death. She also demands that Piltover be left out of her feud and return home, which she'd accompany, but Ambessa refuses because of her Noxian pride. Ambessa then shows her an "army that does not fear death", and Mel is left astonished by what she has witnessed.[12]
Mel meets with Jayce, Caitlyn, and Vi about Jayce's plans to stop Viktor's invasion. On the day of the invasion, Mel stands beside Shoola as Noxus invaders are kept at bay by the Enforcers.[13]
Afterward, Mel appears before her mother; she pleads with her mother to reconsider, but she refuses. After Viktor's orb is destroyed and found to be empty, Mel chastises her mother for her actions and assists Caitlyn in her duel against her mother. She'd then use the necklace that the Illusionary Sorceress gave her, which summons the sorceress and makes her entrap Ambessa in her realm. However, Mel enters it, frees her mother from the realm, and then listens to Ambessa's final words as she dies in her arms.[13]
Eventually, she's possessed by one of Viktor's dolls, but later released by their control.[13]
Sometime after the war, Mel becomes the head of House Medarda and heads towards Noxus.[13]
Me is a brilliant and ambitious young councelor who presents herself as a cold-hearted woman. A master of persuasion and intrigue, she often plays the long game to align the city's policies with her vision of progress. Unlike her more traditional Noxian kin, she prioritizes diplomacy, art, and intellect over brute force, and detests violence and war, which leads to her banishing from her house. However, her polished demeanor belies a steely determination to secure power and elevate both herself and her family.
Mel is a dark-skinned woman with greenish-gold eyes and black curly hair in twists with golden cuffs at her hairline. She is renowned for her striking, stylish appearance, which usually includes tasteful, clean makeup, a strong lip, and a piercing cat eye. The design mainly consists of a white color palette with gold accents.
In one scene, she is in a skintight gold and white ensemble replete with ornate gold jewelry. Her get-up includes a lacy black see-through undershirt, a dual-strapped black choker, open white flower-petal sleeves, and a flowing white dress to match. She also has rutilant golden shoulder pads and dangling gold earrings.
In season 2, after being kidnapped by the Black Rose, she loses her gold hair cuffs and grows disheveled. Her makeup wears off, and her outfit grows dirty.
When she awakens as a mage, she wears a black one-piece with smaller textured designs over the fabric. Her golden markings spread all over her body, including her face.
Her body turns a purplish shade when using her full power, and her golden accents shine. Her eyes turn white, as does her hair.
After Mel shattered the thorn domain with her newfound power, LeBlanc confirmed that Mel is a mage. Since she is a sorceress, her eyes turn golden, and her markings, which run all over her body, shine bright when she uses her powers. She has the following powers:
- Empath: According to LeBlanc, Mel belongs to a rare category of mage as they described her as an empath, a conduit and a mirror simultaneously as she has the power to sense other people’s inner selves and bend their magic. She was able to reach out and see the Deceiver's true face, and later destroyed LeBlanc's warped space.
- Light Magic: In several instances, Mel puts forth a magical brilliant energy that can create waves, rays and shields that protects herself and deflects hazardous attacks.
- Mel is the second character to be added as an official League of Legends champion from Arcane. The first character is her mother Ambessa.
- Mel is the first mage introduced in the Arcane series.
Season One appearances: 8/9 | ||
"Welcome to the Playground": Absent |
"Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved": Appears |
"The Base Violence Necessary for Change": Appears |
"Happy Progress Day!": Appears |
"Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy": Appears |
"When These Walls Come Tumbling Down": Appears |
"The Boy Savior": Appears |
"Oil and Water": In main story and flashback |
"The Monster You Created": Appears |
Season Two appearances: 5/9 | ||
"Heavy Is the Crown": Appears |
"Watch It All Burn": Absent |
"Finally Got the Name Right": Appears |
"Paint The Town Blue": Absent |
"Blisters And Bedrock": Appears |
"The Message Hidden Within The Pattern": Absent |
"Pretend Like It's the First Time": Absent |
"Killing Is a Cycle": Appears |
"The Dirt Under Your Nails": Appears |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved". Arcane. Season 1. Episode 2. Netflix.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 "The Base Violence Necessary for Change". Arcane. Season 1. Episode 3. Netflix.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "Happy Progress Day!". Arcane. Season 1. Episode 4. Netflix.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 "Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy". Arcane. Season 1. Episode 5. Netflix.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 "Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy". Arcane. Season 1. Episode 6. Netflix.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 "Oil and Water". Arcane. Season 1. Episode 8. Netflix.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 "The Monster You Created". Arcane. Season 1. Episode 9. Netflix.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 "Heavy Is the Crown". Arcane. Season 2. Episode 10. Netflix.
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 "Finally Got the Name Right". Arcane. Season 2. Episode 12. Netflix.
- ↑ "Paint the Town Blue". Arcane. Season 2. Episode 13. Netflix.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 "Blisters and Bedrock". Arcane. Season 2. Episode 13. Netflix.
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 "Killing Is a Cycle". Arcane. Season 2. Episode 17. Netflix.
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 "The Dirt Under Your Nails". Arcane. Season 2. Episode 18. Netflix.
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