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Arcane Wiki

This page contains spoilers for Season 2 of Arcane

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They're setting up some big announcement, all the who's who. Aiming to take over and put Salo in the hot seat, but... we know who's really pulling the strings.

Lest is a minor character appearing in Arcane, and the second Vastaya seen in the series, the first one being Scar.

She is voiced by Eve Lindley.


Lest is a character created solely for Arcane and does not appear in League of Legends. Due to her limited screentime, only so much can be derived about her character outside of the fact she has some connection/affiliation with Mel Medarda. In “Finally Got the Name Right”, she is seen treating Salo with Shimmer in an attempt to heal his legs, before being dismissed by Ambessa Medarda.

Later, she is seen giving Mel the information she overheard from Ambessa and Salo’s meeting, and providing Mel with the tool she needs to succeed before vanishing into thin air. In “Paint the Town Blue”, she is seen once again treating Salo with shimmer, where he then lashes out, demanding that he be treated more often. Lest pulls away, informing him of “someone who performs miracles”, referencing Viktor.



Lest has limited screentime, but is shown to be a versatile, adaptable woman. She primarily deals in illicit substances to the wealthy movers and shakers of Piltover, smoothly switching between different masks to survive and gain. While she is willing to provide information to Mel about Salo's use of shimmer, she puts her own survival ahead of any political plays, disgusted with the idea of being treated as an expendable pawn.


Lest is a cat-like humanoid with a clothing style inspired by a combination Romani dress and early 20th century western glamor, used to evoke a fortune teller archetype. She is easily identified by her large ears, puffy coat, and unique, gravelly voice, as well as digitigrade feet.


  • Lest was confirmed to be trans by Eve Lindley, Lest's original English voice actor.[1][2][3]

See also[]


Season Two appearances: 2/9
"Heavy Is the Crown":
"Watch It All Burn":
"Finally Got the Name Right":
"Paint The Town Blue":
"Blisters And Bedrock":
"The Message Hidden Within The Pattern":
"Pretend Like It's the First Time":
"Killing Is a Cycle":
"The Dirt Under Your Nails":



ve Characters
Main Characters
Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
Other characters
AmaraBabetteBenzoCassandra KirammanChrossClaggorDeckardEloraFinnForeign PrincessGertGraysonGustove JowlerHuckIrius BolbokIshaJannaJulesKino MedardaLeBlancLestLorisMadam MargotMaddie NolenMarcusMyloOrianna ReveckRenRenniRenni's SonRictusRioSaloScarShoolaSky YoungSmeechStebThieramTobias KirammanTorman HoskelVernXimena Talis
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