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Don't you remember the old Janna bedtime stories Vander used to tell us? Miners trapped underground! Air running thin! But then, some wispy wind woman wafted to their rescue.

Jinx, to Vi, Finally Got the Name Right

Jan’ahrem (commonly referred to as Janna) is a Shuriman goddess, wind spirit, and legendary figure venerated in Zaun.


Early life[]


Arcane Season 2[]

A statue depiction of Janna can be seen in Zaun where Caitlyn Kiramman and Vi fight Sevika and Jinx.[1] Jinx goes on to recite the stories of how Janna would rescue suffocating miners in the undercity, although she sounds skeptical of the goddess herself.






Powers and Abilities[]



  • “To Ashes and Blood,” the song that plays during the final battle in Act 1, features Shuriman chants traditionally said to have been recited as prayers to Janna.[1][2]
  • Zaunite legends often attribute the clearing of the undercity’s polluted air to Janna, although it was actually Cassandra Kiramman who created an extensive ventilation system to improve Zaun’s already-poor quality of life.[1]

Character Navigation[]

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Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Finally Got the Name Right, 2x03
  2. “To Ashes and Blood” official lyrics