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He's been quite the investment.

Elora was the right-hand and assistant of Mel Medarda.


Early Life[]

Elora's early life is largely left open to speculation, although it can be assumed she was a long-time assistant to Mel due to their close friendship. As Elora is also at least somewhat familiar with Mel's origins,[1][2] it is suggested that Elora was from Noxus and potentially joined Mel in her exile at the hands of Ambessa Medarda. This was implied again when Ambessa recognized Elora in 'Heavy Is the Crown' (Season 2).

As the assistant of one of Piltover's Council, Elora handled many of Mel's communications with her business and political associates,[3] as well as of her enemies and those she has suspicions of. Due to how closely together they work, Elora was made privy to Mel's greader plans.[4][5][1]

Season 1[]

Elora discusses Jayce’s trial with Mel in 'Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved', and expresses curiosity at Jayce's Hextech proposals. This is what eventually leads Mel to explore Jayce's technology as a means of improving Piltover.

In 'The Boy Savior', Elora delivers a letter to Mel sealed with her family's emblem. This foreshadows the arrival of Ambessa Medarda and the Noxians to Piltover.

Elora was not present in the meeting room when Jinx bombed the council at the end of Season 1.

Season 2[]

As Mel investigates the Black Rose in her study in Piltover, Elora confirms Lest's tip that Salo is arranging the meeting of several nobles under Ambessa's instructions. Following Jinx's paint attack on the city, Mel decides to use her Shimmer dart to kill Salo before he can instigate the meeting. However, Elora is suddenly paralysed; black roses grow from her face and her eyes turn red, suggesting that she has been possessed. The room fills with roses and both Elora and Mel disappear, abducted by the Black Rose.

Some time passes until we see that Mel is imprisoned alongside her brother, Kino Medarda, in the Black Rose's prison. Mel states that they 'killed her friend' and a flashback shows Elora being crushed into a black chasm-like line, seemingly dead, A silhouette of Elora can be seen after her death in the final episode of the show, potentially suggesting that she is still alive or an important figure in Mel's memory.



Elora presents herself as a calm and professional person who takes good initiative in her position as Mel's assistant. She is softly spoken, gentle and extremely loyal.


Elora is a tall and slim woman of around 30. She has a signature hairstyle consisting of two buns and a middle part. She dresses in simple yet elegant and professional clothing, typically wearing white that symbolises innocence and purity. She can be seen wearing traditional Noxian colours and patterns in Season 2, suggesting she has connections to the empire.


  • Research: Elora is an effective researcher who appears to have good connections within Piltover and is able to gather reliable information for Mel, as shown in her knowledge of Jayce's trial and Salo's plan.



Season One appearances: 5/9
"Welcome to the Playground":
"Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved":
"The Base Violence Necessary for Change":
"Happy Progress Day!":
"Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy":
"When These Walls Come Tumbling Down":
"The Boy Savior":
"Oil and Water":
"The Monster You Created":
Season Two appearances: 3/9
"Heavy Is the Crown":
"Watch It All Burn":
"Finally Got the Name Right":
"Paint The Town Blue":
"Blisters And Bedrock":
"The Message Hidden Within The Pattern":
"Pretend Like It's the First Time":
"Killing Is a Cycle":
"The Dirt Under Your Nails":


ve Characters
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Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
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