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Ekko is the alternate version of Ekko.


Early life[]

Not much is known about his earlier life, however it seems to have played out the same as in the main universe up until Vi’s death.




Ekko is of average height with a wiry, slightly athletic build. His skin is a rich dark brown, contrasting sharply with his thick white colored, slightly curly hair. He styles his hair usually smoothed backward, slicked slightly, and up in a small bun on top of the back of his head, heavily different than his hairstyle in the other universe.

His eyes are dark brown, still a bit soft and round but they carry a heavier, more tired and slightly determined look. His eyebrows are straight but slightly curved upwards, and his wide nose complements his defined facial structure.

Also, unlike his alternate version, he wears a few gold colored earrings.



  • It's implied that Ekko being taken over by alternate versions of himself is a common occurrence as Powder mentions that Ekko is having "another identity crisis again" when the main timeline Ekko first arrived in his counterpart's body and later when he returns to his own universe, Powder doesn't react with any sadness or surprise, hinting that something like this had happened several times before.


