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Claggor is the alternate version of Claggor.


Vi's death[]

When Vi dies, this is where the two universes diverge. Claggor can be seen behind Mylo clutching his goggles in grief.

Ekko's Arrival[]

When Ekko enters The Last Drop with Powder, Claggor and Mylo join them at their table. Mylo notices his crush, Gert, and gets up to try and talk to her. Claggor jokes about it and asks Powder to accompany him. When she leaves, Claggor asks Ekko what they'd do without her.

During the Innovator’s Competition, he shows off a device that creates artificial light to a plant inside the container to another Zaunite. Later, he rests his arm around Mylo's shoulder as they watch Gert's performance.



Personality wise, Claggor is a more mature version of his past self. He is less nervous about new things compared to his child self.


Claggor grew much more muscular as he grew up, and overall filled out well. He no longer wears his goggles seen on his younger self. He wears a white button up shirt with a brown and teal vest adorned with gold. He has a thin black bow around his neck and a golden magnifying glass attached to the vest.

Powers and Abilities[]



ve Characters
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Ambessa MedardaCaitlyn KirammanCecil B. HeimerdingerEkkoJayce TalisJinxMel MedardaSevikaSilcoSingedVanderViViktor
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